
House Policy on Children at Canterbury

Canterbury is a family-friendly venue and we welcome children of all ages. To ensure that all of our customers have a comfortable, safe and enjoyable experience, Canterbury has a number of mandatory requirements and in-house rules in place for members/guests and their accompanying children when on our premises:


  • Children must be accompanied and supervised at all times whilst on Canterbury premises by a Responsible Adult.
  • A “Responsible Adult” is a person over the age of 18 years of age and includes:
    • A parent, step-parent or guardian of the minor;
    • The minor’s spouse or de facto partner;
    • A person standing in as the parent of the minor i.e. a grandparent, Aunty/Uncle or person in charge of an organised sporting or school group
  • Regardless of whether children are accompanied by a Responsible Adult, they are not permitted to be in Restricted Areas of Canterbury at any time in accordance with legislation and licensing restrictions. Restricted Areas include; the Bulldogs Sports Bar, the TAB, the Atrium Bar or the Gaming Floor area.
  • Children are strictly prohibited from being sold, supplied or consuming alcohol in any form whilst on Club premises. Any child found to be in the possession of or attempting to purchase alcohol will be removed from Club premises.
  • Children are not permitted to be in the Paragon Room (unless attending a School Holiday Entertainment show, or a member’s private event/function eg. school presentation night; and accompanied by a Responsible Adult).
  • Children are not permitted on Club premises between the hours of 12 midnight and 6:00am and (unless attending a member’s private event/function).
  • Children are not permitted to enter the Club premises after 10:30pm each night.
  • Children already on Club premises after 10:30pm may remain if they are dining in one of the Club’s restaurants or café’s and must vacate the Club immediately at the conclusion of their dining.
  • Children may be permitted to enter the premises after 10:30pm for the purpose of attending special events as determined by Management.
  • Use of the Bistro Play Area is restricted to children who satisfy the maximum height restriction of 145cm.
  • Children must have footwear on at all times, with the exception of using the play equipment in the Bistro Play Area, where they must have socks on at all times.
  • Bringing own food on to Club premises is prohibited. Baby food is an exception.
  • Patrons are advised that leaving children unattended in any part of Club premises (or in vehicles) is unacceptable conduct and may result in patrons being asked to leave the Club. Such breaches may also be subject of disciplinary action against the member/patron.
  • The accompanying Responsible Adult is to ensure that their child behaves in an appropriate manner when on Club premises and refrains from behaviour which is likely to cause discomfort or inconvenience to other patrons. Such behaviour includes, but is not limited to, screaming, running around unsupervised between tables, swearing, intimidating, and pushing or fighting with other children.

Unacceptable behaviour of a Minor may result in the minor and their accompanying Responsible Adult being asked to leave the Club premises.

Responsible Conduct of Gaming

To promote the Responsible Service of Gaming Canterbury League Club has a policy which complies with the various acts of Parliament that apply to the Registered Clubs Industry. The Club has also adopted responsible gambling and harm minimisation measures in accordance with the ClubsNSW Gaming Code of Practice. The Club will promote the social and economic benefits of responsible gambling and the gaming industry. This policy will be implemented for the benefit of our members, their guests and the community in general.

Canterbury League Club encourages responsible practices in advertising and promotions to ensure that the Club is not providing inducements to gamble. The Club will ensure the provision and use of gambling products occur in a safe and enjoyable manner. The Club will prioritise customer welfare and sustainable gambling activities. Signage to promote Responsible Gambling and where to seek help are posted in the gaming area and also throughout the Club. Canterbury League Club will not under any circumstances provide cash on credit cards or the cashing of cheques.

Members and/or visitors to Canterbury League Club have the right to exclude themselves from the Club. In order to provide support and advice, the Club’s Managers are trained to be a confidential point of contact for the club’s patrons, or the families of patrons, who believe they may have a problem with gambling. Canterbury League Club encourages those patrons who self-exclude to keep in contact with the Club so that the club can assist wherever possible.

Providing information and training to Club staff on problem gambling is essential. The concept of patron and employee care can help reduce problem gambling in the Club. Staff are trained to ensure discretion in matters involving problem gamblers.

Dress Regulations

Canterbury provides an environment where members and their guests can enjoy the facilities of the club in the best possible circumstances.

Canterbury reserves its right to refuse entry to any person, or to withdraw any permission to remain on the premises at any time.

Management’s decision will be final in relation to:

  • compliance with dress, and behaviour guidelines, and
  • a person’s authorisation to remain on the premises,

The following guidelines have been established as a minimum for dress:

Unacceptable – The following is not permitted at any time:

  • Bare feet or rubber thongs
  • Casual and sports shoes without socks 
  • Untidy, dirty, worn or torn clothing or footwear
  • Singlets and sleeveless shirts for males
  • Offensive motifs or imagery on clothing 
  • Gang patches or other insignia on clothing 
  • Swimwear or revealing clothing 
  • Helmets and full face coverings 

Unacceptable – The following is not permitted after 9pm:

  • Overalls and work boots
  • Football shorts/stubbies
  • Dress sandals, boat shoes and scuffs

General Regulations

  • Members are required to produce their Membership Card upon entry and/or when requested to do so by any member of staff. 
  • Persons under 18 years must be in the company of a “responsible adult” at all times.
  • Persons under 18 years are not permitted in restricted (gaming) areas of the premises. 
  • Proof of Age and Residential Qualification is required for Temporary Members and Members Guests. 
  • Management reserves the right to refuse entry, request a patron to leave, or remove any patron: 
    • who may be intoxicated or is abusive, violent or quarrelsome, 
    • who may be in breach of the law, including any licensing regulations, 
    • who may be in breach of any club rules, regulations, or by laws, 
    • whose personal hygiene may be offensive
  • Patrons requested to leave must do so immediately and not return within in less than 24 hours.  
  • Members may be suspended and subject to disciplinary action for breaches of these rules. 


  • Patrons may take photos and videos of your family and immediate group with their consent,
  • We do not authorise you to take photos or video which may include persons outside your family, or group, 
  • Photography is not permitted in any toilet or dressing room, any gaming area, or where a gaming area may form part of the background of a photo or recording. 
  • Commercial Photography is only permitted with the express permission of venue manager on duty. 

Privacy Policy

1. Purpose

Canterbury League Club is committed to providing exceptional customer service. Canterbury recognises that protecting your privacy and making you aware of this privacy policy is part of this commitment.

This policy sets out the approach which the Canterbury group takes in relation to the treatment of your personal information. The Canterbury group includes our Belmore premises, all of our amalgamated premises and the C-Life Gymnasium at Belmore.

This policy includes information on how Canterbury collects, uses, discloses and keeps secure, your personal information. It also sets out how Canterbury makes the personal information it holds available for access to and correction.

2. Personal Data

Personal data refers to any information or opinion relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. This includes personal data which reveals racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or any further categories as defined by Article 9 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation. The types of personal information that we may collect includes:

  • name, gender, date of birth;
  • identification such as driver’s licence details or signature;
  • contact details including residential and postal addresses, email addresses and telephone numbers;
  • communication preferences including languages spoken;
  • photographs of members and patrons including those taken for processing member cards and those scanned from identification documents;
  • details about purchases and transactions including food and beverage, gaming and other products and services;
  • occupation, employer or business details;
  • digital information, such as cookies, tags and pixels, software versions used, device identifiers, location data, dates, times, file metadata, referring website/app, data entered, and user activity such as links clicked, app installations and app launches;
  • financial information, including bank account details and credit card details;
  • images from video surveillance and facial recognition software in our venues;
  • if you train with our health club, physical details such as height, weight and BMI; and
  • if you apply for employment with us, details regarding your employment history, educational qualifications, and similar information.

3. How Canterbury collects personal information

Canterbury collects personal information by various means including, without limitation:

  • if you apply for Club membership or renew an existing Club membership with us;
  • if you enter one of our venues as a visitor and sign in;
  • if you take out membership or train with C-Life Health Club;
  • if you purchase or utilise a product or service from us;
  • if you play a gaming machine in one of our venues;
  • if you have a health assessment with C-Life Health Club;
  • if you access our website or app, including by the use of cookies, tags and pixels, which may track what you view on our website or apps and also other websites/apps that you visit. Cookies, tags and pixels may also come from third party services (such as Facebook) for the purpose of collecting data to enable website or app performance measurement and personalised advertising;
  • if you enter a competition or promotion that we run;
  • if you purchase tickets to, or attend a performance in one of our venues;
  • if you interact with us via social media platforms;
  • if you subscribe to any of our mailing lists or use any of our online applications;
  • via our security cameras or other cameras; and
  • if you submit an employment application to us.

We may also collect personal information about you from:

  • publicly available sources, including from Australian Government agencies (such as the Australian Securities and Investments Commission), internet search platforms and social media platforms;
  • any person authorised to act on your behalf or authorised to provide your personal information to us;
  • anyone sharing information with us for loss prevention and/or law enforcement purposes; and
  • any persons you nominate if you submit an employment application to us.

Canterbury is required to collect and store certain member information in accordance with the Registered and Licensed Clubs Act 1976 (NSW). Canterbury will be unable to allow individuals to join the club or to be a temporary member, unless they have provided the required personal information.

4. Use and disclosure of personal information

Canterbury uses your personal information to carry out our business.

We may use your personal information:

  • to provide admittance to our venues;
  • to assess Club membership applications and Club membership renewals;
  • to promote and advertise our products and services;
  • to enter you into promotions and competitions;
  • to provide discounts and benefits as part of Canterbury’s loyalty program;
  • to charge you for products and services we provide to you and to prepare invoices for such purchases;
  • to provide advice regarding our products and services to you;
  • to consider feedback and complaints that you may make to us;
  • to personalise advertising and content displayed to you;
  • to monitor our sales of products and services and for quality control purposes, including undertaking customer surveys and analysis;
  • to undertake data processing, data analysis and market research to better understand our customers’ preferences, personalise websites/apps and (where you have consented to receiving offers or direct marketing) to offer products or provide services of greater interest to you or engage in direct marketing;
  • to monitor and measure the use of our websites or apps, including web-based referral channels, data entered and user activity such as links clicked;
  • to assist us in ensuring security, health and safety and customer protection in our venues;
  • to assist with complying with RSA and RCG compliance, including the management of exclusion registers;
  • in the case of images from facial recognition software, for managing exclusion registers and suspended patrons;
  • to recruit employees or engage contractors;
  • for any other purpose disclosed to you at the time the relevant personal information is collected; and
  • for purposes directly related to any of the above.

We may disclose your personal information to third parties who assist us to carry out our business including:

  • marketing, advertising and promotions services providers in connection with our marketing and advertising;
  • third parties who provide services to us in connection with our business operations, undertaking data monitoring, data analysis, website maintenance, as well as our online services or online apps;
  • third party platforms who display advertising or content (including personalised advertising) based on your personal information or preferences (including social media platforms such as Facebook);
  • third parties who provide other services to us including for example financial institutions, security services providers, market research companies, IT service providers, payment processers and collectors, mailing houses and card manufacturers;
  • law enforcement agencies, government agencies or other third parties, where required under or authorised by law (for example, to comply with a subpoena, a notice to produce, warrant or other order of a court or legal process); and
  • other persons disclosed to you at the time the relevant personal information is collected.

Where Canterbury utilises direct marketing to individuals it will ensure that individuals are clearly notified of their right to opt out from further direct marketing.

Canterbury will not use personal information without taking reasonable steps to ensure that the information is accurate, complete and up to date.

Canterbury will take reasonable steps to ensure that its contracts with third parties include requirements for third parties to comply with the use and disclose requirements of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

Canterbury has a designated data protection officer, being the General Manager of Information Technology in conjunction with the General Manager of Sales and Marketing who are responsible for the protection and monitoring of the use of personal data held by Canterbury.

Individuals have the right to request that their personal data is only used or disclosed in limited circumstances, including where the individual’s consent is provided explicitly.

5. Transfer of information overseas

Some of our service providers may be located overseas or may store information (including your personal information) that we provide to them overseas.

Personal information you disclose to us will only be held or processed overseas in accordance with all applicable law.

6. Information Quality

Canterbury reviews, on a regular and ongoing basis, its collection and storage practices to ascertain how improvements to accuracy can be achieved.

Canterbury will take steps to de-identify or destroy personal information that is no longer needed for a primary or secondary purpose after a maximum of seven years, unless the law requires otherwise.

7. Security of personal information

Access to personal information in both electronic or hard copy form is provided to a limited number of Canterbury staff whose roles require access to such information.

Canterbury will review, on a regular and ongoing basis, its information security practices to ascertain how compliance with its ongoing responsibilities are maintained.

Canterbury will ensure that it only uses third party data processors who provide sufficient guarantees that they implement technical and organisational measures to ensure compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation thereby protecting the rights of all individuals of which personal information is held.

No data transmission over the internet can be guaranteed to be secure. As a result, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any personal information transmitted by you to us over the internet.

8. Access and correction of personal information held by Canterbury

Canterbury will allow its records containing personal information to be accessed by the individual concerned in accordance with the Privacy Act.

Canterbury will correct its records containing personal information as soon as practically possible, at the request of the individual concerned, in accordance with the Privacy Act.

Individuals wishing to lodge a request to access and/or correct their personal information should do so by contacting a member of the membership team.  Canterbury will not charge any fee for accessing or processing such a request.

Subject to State and Federal legislation reporting and data retention requirements, individual also have the right to erasure (i.e. having their details removed from Canterbury systems) where the information is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was collected, or where the individual withdraws their consent and there is no longer a legal ground for processing their data.

9. Complaints

Contact with Canterbury’s membership team via phone or web inquiry will be the first point of contact for inquiries about privacy issues.

Any formal privacy related complaints should be directed in writing to Canterbury’s Privacy Officer.  Such correspondence will be responded do within 7 business days.

The contact details for Canterbury’s Privacy Officer are as follows:

Privacy Officer
Canterbury League Club Club Ltd
26 Bridge Rd, BELMORE NSW 2192
Ph: 02 9704 7777
Email: info@canterbury.com.au

Canterbury will endeavour to manage any privacy related complaint efficiently and in a timely manner.

10. Suspected Data Breaches

Canterbury takes unauthorised access or disclosure of personal information very seriously and uses its best endeavours to ensure that a data breach does not occur.

In the event of a suspected data breach, Canterbury has an established Data Breach Response Plan in place in accordance with the Privacy Amendment (Notifiable Data Breaches) Act 2017.

Responsible Service of Alcohol

Canterbury League Club promotes Responsible Service of Alcohol in the best interest of its members, guests, staff and community. Responsible serving of alcohol is vital for legal, health and community reasons. Our society is now less tolerant of the irresponsible use of alcohol that leads to drunkenness, drink driving, unacceptable behaviour and underage drinking.

Canterbury League Club has adopted the following House Practices, which provide the framework for the Responsible Service of Alcohol:

  • In order to prevent underage drinking, we will require acceptable Proof of Age to be provided when requested.
  • Persons who are believed to be intoxicated will be Refused Admission to our premises.
  • We will display and refer to our Intoxication Signs in order to support our responsible attitude and meet legislative requirements.
  • Patrons in this establishment will be Denied Service and Required to Leave the Premises if they are considered to be intoxicated.
  • We will not allow any indecent, violent or quarrelsome conduct on our premises.
  • We will educate our staff and our patrons as part of our Duty of Care to ensure they understand the implications of and abide by our Responsible Service of Alcohol Practices.
  • We will support and actively promote initiatives to minimise drink driving in order to safeguard the wellbeing of our patrons.

Canterbury League Club will initiate these practices by:

  • Implementing, monitoring and modifying the House Practices on an on-going basis.
  • Preventing under-age drinking by insisting on the production of acceptable documentation such as a current photo driver’s licence, passport or proof of age card as detailed in the Australian ID Checking Guide.
  • Preventing intoxication by recognising the signs of intoxication and refusing to serve anyone to the point of intoxication. We will deny entry or service to anyone we believe is already intoxicated.
  • Promoting the service of non-alcoholic beverages, low alcohol beers and food.

Our responsible serving practices aim to:

  • Prevent under-age drinking.
  • Prevent intoxication.
  • Prevent violent or disruptive behaviour.
  • Prevent drink driving.